Redland Engineering
Brand Extension and Signage
Redland Engineering is located in Littleton CO and has been a long standing client of one of MATTER’s owners. With their growth over the years, their branding and overall aesthetic needed to evolve. To incorporate this new branding into their company they asked us to design a new system identity for the space that included a new lobby sign, name plaques, and an update to their building’s road sign.
I sketched concepts that were directly based off of their new lockup. These concepts include layered wood and plexiglass materials to yield a clean and simple sign solution that could become a conversation piece when entering the company. I cut, sanded, stained, and assembled the lobby sign into one unit that the client could then install on site at their leisure.
Name Plaques
Using the same materials to establish a new design language, the name plaques allow a more tactile and personalized object for both the employees and clients to interact with. We cut, sanded, stained, and assembled the plaques as a team to get them out on time.
Monument Sign
After getting a blank piece of aluminum from a metal depot, I sanded, cleaned, and painted the metal panel with enamel paint. As a team we then cut, weeded, and applied vinyl branding to complete the sign panel then giving it to the client for install.
Art Direction: Debra Johnson
Work completed through MATTER