Numero Cinque Amulet



While traveling I noticed that the number five was becoming more and more significant, or at least thats what my analytical brain told me. I found that elements of my daily routine and travel were ending in the number five so I decided to create a daily wearable item that embraced this notion.

This amulet incorporates several aspects of the number five throughout its design. Using two old coins I found on the ground while traveling I chose to make a nickel face plate that would hold everything together. The overall structure has five windows to view the designs below as well as five prongs which when folded over help hold the coins in position much like a prong setting for a stone. Five brass screw rivets were used as both decorative and structural elements to hold all the layers together. Finally, 150 steel jump rings were connected to make the necklace which when divided by five equals the number of days I spent strictly traveling, engaging, and exploring on my trip.
