One Club Denver
Pencil Award
The ONE Club for Creativity - Denver (previously the Art Directors Club Denver) is a multi-disciplinary, non-profit organization promoting collaborative creative culture throughout Colorado’s Rocky Mountain Region. The ADC Annual Award is on of the oldest running industry award shows in the world. The awards celebrate the very best in advertising, design, illustration, photography, packaging, motion, and digital media, all with a focus on craftsmanship and innovation. We were asked to make the award for the ceremony in 2017. They goal was to have one award that read both as a pencil and as a mountain. Using different colors in production this design could be portrayed as the main award and an honorable mention.
The Concept
I designed the award to be composed of three separate but interlocking pieces including the tip, middle section, and base with an inset plaque for information. The pieces were designed in this way so that the colors could be dialed in for resin and consistency across several castings. Working with the whole team at MATTER, we all finished these pieces with epoxy glue to hold everything together.
Art Direction: Rick Griffith
Work completed through MATTER